From our newsletter

Dreams & Nightmares

Last November, I wrote about my hope that we would have 20/20 vision for and in the new year. That we’d be able to see in sharp focus what’s up close, and to discern what’s far away –– to perceive “the signs of the times” (as in Matthew 16:3). But few of us could...

Constrained Boundlessness

We all need some boundaries. We all need some limits. Without them, there’d be chaos. Without them, children would run amok (and so would some adults). Without the boundary of a one-gallon container, milk would glug all over the bottom of the refrigerator. Without the boundaries created by traffic lights, there’d be more accidents....

Seeking a New “Normal”

When I came out –– when I was reborn –– I began a new life. A figurative weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and an ethereal weight off my mind and heart. There was even a conscious awareness that I was letting go of, giving over, handing over to Jesus what was more than...

Randomness & Redemption

May is a pretty quiet month. The liturgical calendar is pretty empty. Except for the commemoration of St. Philip and St. James. And the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh Sundays of Easter. And Ascension Day. And Pentecost. And that’s just The Lectionary Page’s Episcopal calendar. The Lutheran calendar on Sundays and Seasons adds the...

Our Own Wilderness Journey

I really didn’t want to give up this much for Lent. And I didn’t want to give up Holy Week either. Or Easter. At 7:30 am on March 15, my body had a “felt sense” that I was in the wrong place. I woke up at the usual time, but when I would typically...