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Three Words in One

Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem which was first published in 1889… entitled The Ballad of East and West. Although I don’t remember it ever being read to me, I do remember from childhood the first line… it goes “East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.” I wonder if I...

Into the Woods

Don’t go into the woods. Unless you bring bug spray. And a vaccine. And unbiased information. And the Gospel. An article (by Mark Torregrossa) posted last month on shared that there is a “tick explosion” underway in Michigan this season. Michigan State University entomologist Howard Russell confirmed that twenty years ago, it was difficult...

Apocalyptic Hope

When I prepare sermons and newsletter articles, I include insights given me by the Holy Spirit along with those of human commentators. Sometimes I rely more on the former than the latter, and sometimes it’s vice-versa. But I can imagine many people reading the title of this article and thinking to themselves that it’s an...

Vaccines & Variants

Have you ever seen an image of a virus? They look much different than bacteria. That’s because viruses are not living organisms and bacteria are. Viruses only grow and reproduce inside of the cells they infect. When found outside of these living cells, viruses are dormant. Their “life” therefore requires the hijacking of the biochemical activities of...