Relationship with God

Jesus Calms the Storm

We thank the Rev. Pauline Standley (“Pastor Polly”) for presiding for us this week while Rev. Mike is on vacation. While Pastor Polly’s sermons are not available in written form, you can view her sermon on our Facebook page video HERE , with the sermon beginning at about the 35 minute mark.

Peace at All Costs

Year A Exodus 32:1-14 Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 May the words of my mouth O God…  speak your truth… My brother carries a gun…  no…  not everywhere he goes…  only when he provides security at a Washington, D.C. area synagogue…  I’m not sure when he took firearm training…  and got a gun license…  and began...

The Stormwinds of Change

Year A 1 Kings 19:9-18 Psalm 85:8-13 Romans 10:5-15 Matthew 14:22-33 May the words of my mouth O God…  speak your truth… At the beginning of this chapter in 1Kings… Jezebel sends a messenger to Elijah… telling him that she intends to kill him that very day… Elijah has just killed the 450 prophets...

Be Reconciled

Year A Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 119:1-8 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Matthew 5:21-37 May the words of my mouth…  O God…  speak your truth… Moses has been dealing with his mortality… he knows he’s about to die… the Israelites are at the Jordan river about to enter the promised land… and Moses is looking back on the highs and lows...

Knock Three Times

Year C Genesis 18:20-32 Psalm 138 Colossians 2:6-15 Luke 11:1-13 May the words of my mouth O God…  speak your truth… O God…  let me pass this test…  and I promise I’ll go to church every Sunday for a year…  O God…  let me just make it to the gas station…  and I promise I’ll always remember to...