Sermons & Newsletter Articles

Light in the Water

Year A Isaiah 42:1-9 Psalm 29 Acts 10:34-43 Matthew 3:13-17 May the words of my mouth O God…  speak your truth… A sacrament is an outward and visible sign…   of an inward spiritual grace…  it’s the thing you see…  which represents the bigger thing that’s going on under the surface…  the Episcopal church holds to seven sacraments…  confirmation… ...

What’s in a name?

Rev. Alexander Steward January 1, 2023 Luke 2:15-21 Grace and peace to you from our Triune God. Here we find ourselves on the doorstep of a new year. The possibilities lay out in front of us, ours to grasp and run with. There are challenges we have yet to face and even some we...

Units & Divine Measurements

Happy New Year! At least to those whose new year begins on January 1, because it doesn’t really begin now for everyone. We all live with different ways of measuring things: years, time, distances and lengths, volumes, temperatures, etc. For example, there are six principal calendars in current use — which replicate astronomical cycles...

At the Edge

Year A Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalm 98 Hebrews 1:1-4 John 1:1-14 May the words of my mouth O God…  speak your truth… In the beginning was the Word…  and the Word was with God… and the Word was God…  and the Word became flesh and lived among us…  these words from John’s Prologue are among my favorites in scripture… ...

Unexpected Glory

Year A Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14 May the words of my mouth O God…  speak your truth… Every ten years…  our government conducts a census…  the main purpose of which is to count heads…  to know how many people live here…  so it can figure out how many seats each state receives in the...